Surat Pengunduran Diri Bahasa Inggris (Resign Letter) Terbaru Juli 2015

Halo sahabat giman kabarnya, hari ini saya mau kasih tau tentang artikel Surat Pengunduran Diri Bahasa Inggris (Resign Letter) Terbaru Juli 2015, apa kamu mau cari artikel Surat Pengunduran Diri Bahasa Inggris (Resign Letter) Terbaru Juli 2015 ini ? jika benar kamu sudah tepat berada di blog saya hehehe.

Ok deh lansung saja ini artikelnya :

Surat Pengunduran Diri Bahasa Inggris (Resign Letter) Terbaru Juli 2015

18th  Dec 2015

Human Resources Department Staff
Jl. Jend Soedirman 44

Subject: Acceptance of   Resignation Letter

Dear Sir
This is to inform you, I am going to resign from the post of “Graphic Designer” of CV ELSA ADVERTISING. I have to take this hardly decision, because of my semester final exam held on 27th dec 2015.after exam I have to complete my practical, assignment etc. so, I have to prepare for that.
I hope you will respect my position in this matter. My main thoughts now, I have to complete my study. I want to thank you for all that you have done for me in my employment here. It’s been a pleasure working with you and representing the company.
I wish the company continued success and once again, would like to thank you for allowing me to be a part of your team. I have enjoyed my relationship with CV ELSA ADVERTISING and will always speak very highly of the company and you personally.
I expect, if I will come back to my position in future in this company, they will accept me as there formal employee. Also if u needs anything which I can do, please let me inform.    

Thank you for your help and guidance during my employment and best wishes for the future.

Yours faithfully

(Anang Heransyah)
Graphic Designer

Ok terima kasih gan, semoga artikel Surat Pengunduran Diri Bahasa Inggris (Resign Letter) Terbaru Juli 2015 ini bisa membantu kamu, dan gue minto tolong bagiin nih artikel, siapa tau artikel Surat Pengunduran Diri Bahasa Inggris (Resign Letter) Terbaru Juli 2015 ini bisa bermanfaat atau artikel yg dicari temen kamu. Ok sampai jumpa ketemu lagi lain hari. Ok ? sip.

Surat Pengunduran Diri Bahasa Inggris (Resign Letter) Terbaru Juli 2015 Surat Pengunduran Diri Bahasa Inggris (Resign Letter) Terbaru Juli 2015 Reviewed by evasmit on 16.27 Rating: 5

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